Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

The first ad I made

created a Zoom In/Zoom Out animation with Fade In and Fade Out effect

  • Open a new flash file ( Ctrl+N ). Buka file flash baru (Ctrl + N). The New Document window will appear. Select General panel and choose Type: Flash Document .
  • If your timeline window is not open, press ( Ctrl+Alt+T ). Now you can see a single Layer called "Layer1" in your timeline Window
  • Select the first frame.Import a background image onto stage, preferably an image of a street by clicking on File>Import>Import to Stage , or just press ( Ctrl+R ).
  • Press F8, to convert this image to a symbol. Name this Symbol "background_gr" and choose graphic behavior. Press OK. Name this Layer "bg". On the 35th frame press F6 to insert a new frame

  • Select the second layer. Import an image or create a shape of a car using shape tools from the tool box. Press F8, to convert this image to a symbol. Name this Symbol "car1_m" and choose movie clip (F8). Press OK. Name this Layer "car1".
  • Select the image(car1_m) >right click>edit in place. Now you will come to a new timeline Window called Symbol2

  • On Frame1 of Symbol2 convert the image to a graphic (car1_gr). Go to the Properties Bar>Color>Alpha>0%. In Frame 5 insert a new Key frame (Press F6) and change Alpha to 100% and make the image small. Right click in between Frame1 and Frame5 and press motion tween.
  • Add one more Key Frame in Frame20. In this frame make the Image(car1_gr)bigger and move it out.
  • On Frame25 insert a new key frame and change Alpha to 0% . Insert motion tween in between frame5-20 and Frame20-25.
  • Now press (Ctrl+Enter) to view your motion tween
  • Continue to do this for your other car images.

Remember to insert only ONE symbol/image in ONE new Layer only

Congratulations! You have successfully created a Zoom In/Zoom Out animation with Fade In and Fade Out effect!